Thursday, January 24, 2008

Brand New ARF F-16 RC JET Radio Remote Control Almost-Ready-to-Fly Airplane RC Plane

Brand New ARF F-16 RC JET Radio Remote Control Almost-Ready-to-Fly Airplane RC Plane  @

Brand New ARF F-16 RC Airplane, can be flown and enjoyed by any pilot with some ARF experience! Unlike most glow-powered jets, this F-16 arrives almost ready to fly, with only minimal assembly work left to do. The scale outline of the full-sized plane has already been created; the power for performance provided with the included 380 motor and propeller fans. Finish assembly, install on-board equipment (must purchase seperately) and apply decals, and the F-16 is ready to provide the appearance and power that Miramar dreams are made of.


* Recreates the wind-cheating profile of the full-sized F-16, from the slim tapered nose through the wingtip-mounted missiles to the anhedral stabilizers.

* Constructed of tough, lightweight styrene foam parts optimized for aerodynamic slickness with a special smoothing process.

* The white fuselage and molded-in-red wings also feature a glossy, hard-plastic coating that improves decal "stick" and durability.

* Included decals duplicate the spectacular red, white and blue trim scheme of the original F-16 prototype.

* 380 motor and three propellers are included for extra value and shopping convenience.

* Takes off with a simple hand launch-and combines with light wing loadings to provide smooth, stable flight, impressive climbs and broad, sweeping turn

( Brand New ARF F-16 RC JET Radio Remote Control Almost-Ready-to-Fly Airplane RC Plane @ $58)

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