Saturday, January 26, 2008

AIR STRIKE Nitro Gas 4 Ch Radio Control RC Plane -RTF

AIR STRIKE Nitro Gas 4 Ch Radio Control RC Plane -RTF  @

Following on the heels of our most successful electric plane (Air Strike), Megatech is proud to introduce its first truly ready-to-fl y,nitro-powered aircraft.The 61 ""wingspan Nitro AirStrike is an all-wooden trainer made from only the highest quality balsa and plywood.

The aircraft is ready for flight in 15 minutes without the use of any tools! With the Nitro AirStrike ¡¯s large wing area and lightweight design, it has a wing loading of only 17.92-oz./sq.ft.The extremely low wing- loading makes this design a truly outstanding trainer.

The aircraft includes a pre-installed Airtronics VG400 4-channel radio system and our proven M-46 ball bearing engine, which provides enough high-end power for the intermediate flyer while still having the reliability beginners need for low-throttle flight.

With the low wing-loading and flat bottom airfoil your new R/C model airplane customers will love the gentle flight characteristics and ease of landing offered by Nitro AirStrike.

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